About eye on i

Eye on I is a pizza shop, an event space, a kitchen, a community of people who come and go and help us  evolve along the way. We are here to bring globally influenced cuisine, art, live music and other  community events to Lompoc and the surrounding valleys. 

Eye on I was established in 2020 by partners Heather Hovey and Jeff Olsson after years of working together. Eye on I family has been made up of different iterations of chefs, artists and all-around passionate people over the years and together we have been feeding the neighborhoods of Lompoc and  the surrounding valleys since the pizza shop first opened its doors March 1, 2021 – music gigs,  exhibitions, markets, workshops and collaborations in tow. 

In 2023, partner Jeff Olsson’s passed away after a sudden terminal cancer diagnosis. 

The restaurant’s forced closure lasted several months. Heather Hovey raised funds, and with the help of her family and the community, obtained ownership of the business. She now continues the Eye on I vision as sole  owner and reopened doors in January 2024. 

A bit on ethics 

We place a huge amount of emphasis on our relationships with suppliers. These can be local or further  afield, but it is the human connections that make our supplier relations strong – local, sustainable and  organic are not just buzz words – they are a real and tangible way of engaging in the world. We align  with them in any way we can.  

We run a circular kitchen. This means there is no head chef, rather our chefs work alongside each other  sharing responsibility and creative input and move around different roles in the kitchen. 

Our food is honest and no frills. Sometimes we like to get all fancy. But mostly it’s simple and thoughtful  and what happens before it comes to us is just as important as what happens after.

Some of our Favorite Suppliers